Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 50: Week in Review

Man up, hausewife!

Thursday: 30 minutes, 2.5 miles (soooo close to 2.6 I could feel it!)

Did what I said previously: 5.0 for the first 0.5 of each mile, then 5.5 for the second halves.

Next up: Adding a 5.5 to 1.0–1.5. If I can't do it, I can try alternating the next night on the 5.0's (a minute at 5.5, then back to 5.0); then the next night, try to make the middle one entirely 5.5, and then try again. I bet this doesn't make sense to anyone else but myself, but screw it, it's my blog and workout journal, I can write in hieroglyphics if I want.

The rest of the week was pretty horrid. Horrid in that I pretty much walked like a 90-year-old, because I figured it was better than nothing, and I just didn't have the energy to do more than that. My friend Donna thinks I might be anemic. It's either that or I have chronic fatigue syndrome or general malaise (I was actually diagnosed with this once) or some other crazy illness, because shit just ain't right. Gots to get me to a doctor ASAP.

Friday: 30 minutes, 1.5 miles
Walked at 3.5 the entire pathetic way.

And you thought that was bad:

Saturday: 30 minutes, 1.0 mile
Walked (if you can call it that) at 2.0 the whole way. For some of the time, I even had my head resting on the treadmill console. If Jillian Michaels had seen me, I would have had my ass kicked.

Sunday: 30 minutes, 1.0 mile
At least tonight I kept my head up!

So the record remains at 2.5 miles in 30 minutes (though I'm oh-so-close to breaking that 2.6-mile marker), or 43:03 minutes for the entire 3.3 miles. Good to know I have seven weeks left to get my act together.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog via twitter.
    I am doing WD Mid-Atlantic and WD Austin. Crazy I KNOW! I am also a mom of two (twin four year old boys) getting close to 40.

    Anyway I am doing a road race of 500 miles against my friend Erin. We invited some people to join us, and we've got 60 of us tracking miles. Come check us out and you are welcome to join to help keep you motivated with the running!
