Sunday, February 23, 2014

'True Detective,' You Just Keep On True Detective-ing (Subtitle: I Think I Know What Happens to Rust Cohle and ZOMG You Might Not Want to Know)

There are spoilers in here if you keep going down


Time for sleep, but some more quickly penned evidence to back up my previous theory that Martin Hart will be revealed as the Yellow King:

—During one of the interrogation scenes in the early part of "Haunted Houses," Papania says, "Nobody's looking at [Hart], because nobody wants to."

—"Marty's single biggest problem is he never knew himself." —Maggie to Papania and Gilbough

—Marty Hart downing spaghetti while watching TV with Maggie and the girls, much like the family did in the first episode of the series when Rust came to dinner, leading us back to the spaghetti-Chtulu man discussed earlier on in the series:

As for the green ears: Maybe the green is Marty's jealousy, the undeniable rage that Maggie knew she could use as a pawn to finally escape her marriage by banging Rust.

—We also saw some more unmasking tonight by Brother Cohle, most notably in the scene where he extracted a confession out of the Munchausen by proxy mom.

—Yahoo's Maggie Furlong, who agrees with the Martin Hart theory, made the great observation that the name of the show is True Detective (singular). The bar Marty ended up in with Beth is called The Fox and The Hound; Rust is hot on Marty's trail. The whole Tuttle storyline is a huge red herring to throw us off Hart's stank.

OK, ready? Combined with the Martin-Hart-as-Yellow-King theory, I think we're going to see the end of both Rust Cohle and Martin Hart by the end of the series. There have been suicide references since the beginning of the show: Rust telling the Munchausen by proxy mother that she should kill herself; the PCP addict killing himself in prison shortly after being interrogated by Marty and receiving a phone call from his "lawyer"; Rust telling Marty in the first episode that "mankind should walk hand-in-hand to extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal" (then saying he didn't have the temperament to commit suicide himself)

Tonight in "Haunted Houses," Rust also warned Marty that "Without me, there is no you." Somehow Rust is the remedy to stopping the Yellow King. He's going to stop Marty by getting rid of himself. Rust has gotten a raw deal this whole time — his colleagues and superiors loathe him, his daughter died, his marriage disintegrated, he quit his job because he was (in his mind) unfairly suspended. Don't be surprised if he's about to opt out after all and take Martin with him. Just doing his job.

P.S. Did I mention it's now March 5 and I'm completely wrong about everything and it's probably going to just be this or something similar to "this"? Still — fun ride! Still — maybe Maggie has something to do with it, I have theories, but I'm done with this blah blah etc. whatnot.

Tweets and treats at @jenngidman.

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