Sunday, December 7, 2014

Guess What's on Line 538 of This Article...

If you look under the "Crazy" category on the Queen Mob's Teahouse online literary/arts magazine (co-founded by Russell Bennetts, the guy who runs the very cool Berfrois), you will find that this essay I wrote on data journalism—and the state of all media now, really—is the only writing currently in that category.

That's partly because QMT co-founder Rauan Klassnik merged some lines from a poem I wrote about the swollen, erotic moon with my essay, but also partly because there aren't many categories this could go in in the first place, I'm guessing. Anyway, enjoy—and thanks to Penny Goring for her terrifically terrifying accompanying artwork. 

Avocado artwork: Penny Goring, via Queen Mob's Teahouse

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