Monday, July 18, 2016

Running Through My CD Collection: Day 14

Today's album: The Black Sessions: Live in Paris (Frank Black) 

Length: 1 hour, 6 minutes

Activity: Lame treadmill walk

What listening to this album made me think of: I saw Frank Black live in NYC at Irving Plaza sometime in the mid-'90s, so that's what came to mind. He opened for They Might Be Giants and at one point during the performance had eight guitars draped around his neck and body.

Review: I could write lots about Frank Black in general, but I'll save that for a regular Frank Black album and limit this to live Frank Black. Live Frank Black is even more frenetic than regular Frank Black and even more fun. Listen to how he amps up "chop chop chop chop" on "Thalassocracy" and you'll see what I mean.

How I felt after: My left flank started feeling fucked about halfway through, but otherwise pretty good.

Random fact I learned about this artist/album: Frank Black's mom and stepdad joined an evangelical church when he was young, which explains his somewhat-obsession with the Bible and religion in many of his Pixies songs.

Why I'm doing this: See Day 1

Tweets and treats at @jenngidman.

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