Monday, November 2, 2015

Running Through My CD Collection: Day 10

Today's album: Quest of the Dream Warrior (David Arkenstone) 

Length: 53 minutes

Activity: Treadmill run/incline walk

What listening to this album made me think of: Being a strong, lean New-Age replicant (because it had moments where it reminded me of the Blade Runner soundtrack). Finding my inner courage—which I did when the line "Feel your beating heart; touch the empty sky" played. I tried to do just that and nearly fell off the treadmill because I lost my center, and almost my balance. It's funny I felt this pennywhistle-inspired fearlessness, because I told my therapist tonight how much of my feeling lately has been stoically muted into a comfortable yet somewhat dreadful, sad limbo. I guess music still has the effect to dredge up something, which is nice to know.

Review: I didn't think this randomly selected album was going to work for a run (seems better suited for stretching), but it was surprisingly and thankfully energizing.

How I felt after: Good. Very good. So good, in fact, that it tricked my brain into thinking I was satisfied with the spicy red-pepper soup with yogurt sauce I had for dinner. Dumb brain.

Random fact I learned about this artist/album: That this is the second album in a trilogy, based on a fantasy story David Arkenstone concocted (no surprise there, even though I didn't know this). Also that there's a fold-out map of the fantasy world this album is set in that should've come with the CD. I'll have to look in my CD book where I keep all my album liners to see if this is indeed true. I don't feel like getting up now, though. I'll circle back with news later. Maybe.

Why I'm doing this: See Day 1

Note: This is, for now, labeled "Day xxxxx" because I actually have a bunch of blog entries to fill in for the last month or so that I've been too lazy to do. 

Tweets and treats at @jenngidman.

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