Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hauswife's Hump-Day Haiku

I have many awesome qualities. I also have many lousy qualities, chief among them a lack of discipline. Much of what I do is unfinished, abandoned, eroded from my master plan and cast aside as life's detritus for a better person to salvage. 

Except I should be that better person. And so I write haiku every Wednesday (or Tuesday night — don't call me out on my lies, I'm too delicate for such indictments). Even when I don't feel like it  — like tonight. Even when I have no ideas. Like tonight. I don't even particularly like haiku. It can be hokey, though it can also be clever. Hokey haiku. HAHAHA.

I write other stuff, too, but this haiku business is non-negotiable for now. I have reasons. I hope the scales start to tip soon. This is no frivolous undertaking! They say a habit forms after 30 days. Now, does that mean 30 consecutive days, or 30 Wednesdays in a row, or ...

Today's theme is ...


This grind, now reflex.
Willpower leveraged to ... hey,
Is that a Stella?


If you want more of me on Twitter, @WarriorHauswife is where you should go.

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