Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hauswife's Hump-Day Haiku

Yeah, yeah — the social isolation.

Yeah, yeah — those pesky IT problems you're on your own to solve.

Yeah, yeah — the temptation to loop The Yeah Yeahs Yeahs all day long with no one to tap you gently but firmly on the shoulder and tell you to stop that right now.

Yet I've got no beef with you, telecommuting. You afford me great luxuries, including avoiding this:

And being able to create content while looking like this:

Again, if you missed it — or if you're Marissa Mayer and naturally repulsed by the mere mention (ZING!) — today's theme is ...


And so it begins,

that slow slide across the couch:
Time to go to work!


If you want more of me on Twitter, @WarriorHauswife is where you should go.

Credits: Courtest Vitaver; courtesy; courtesy

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