Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hauswife's Hump-Day Haiku and Harmonies

If someone finds and buys me this sweater, I will wear it to Trader Joe's the next time I go grocery shopping and post pictures online.

The first rule of Introvert Book Club is: Don't talk about (or at all in) Introvert Book Club.

Which I guess is why no one wants to join Introvert Book Club to gab about Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

When you type a word over and over again, it starts to look weird. Introverts!

Anyway, today's theme is ... damn. I just can't do it. 


Join me, quiet folk,
So they can hear us all think:
"Please — STFU!"


"When I Fall" — Barenaked Ladies
This song isn't so much about introversion as it is about a window washer afraid of heights.  Whenever I hear it, though, I think of the guy on one side of the glass, not able to hear any of the noise from the "sheep" on the other side. I'm also afraid of heights.

If you want more of me on Twitter, @WarriorHauswife is where you should go.

Credit: TBWA\PARIS, France; photographer: Vincent Fournier

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