Thursday, August 6, 2015

Running Through My CD Collection: Day 2

Today's album: Wonderful (Adam Ant) 

Length: 47 minutes 

Activity: Treadmill 

What listening to this album made me think of: I have a feeling I acquired this album as a "Selection of the Month" through my Columbia House/BMG club memberships, because I can't recall ever listening to it. Or I might have grabbed it because of "Wonderful," because there was time when I had discretionary income that allowed me to throw my money away on one song like that.

Review: This album confused me. Every song was weird and loud enough to catch my attention, but so is Donald Trump (sorry, watching the GOP debate). Some songs evoked James, some a bar band, some U2, some the Beatles—none of which are inherently bad, but mashed together are...confusing. Faced with such lines as "Just standing next to you is like making love," I had to make the call, in between swigs from my Poland Spring bottle and adjusting the treadmill's incline, whether lines like that were brilliant or stupid.

I did like this song, though. I hated the last song. Run with that.

How I felt after: Confused. Also a little uneasy, because when Adam Ant's "Goody Two Shoes" came out in 1982, kids in my class started calling me Goody-Goody Gidman, and not in the cool, Nathaniel Hawthorne witch-way. I was a bookworm. I was an innocent. I was a teacher's pet. I was fucked. I regressed to age 11 during this run, and it was slightly uncomfortable.

In the physical sense, my right foot has either become Diabetes Foot or Pussy Foot or something else not that's not a Good Foot, but it hurt like hell through the entire run. 

Random fact I learned about this artist/album: According to the Internets, Adam Ant has some interesting-sounding tattoos, including one that shows Lord Nelson's last prayer before the Battle of Trafalgar. Nice.

Why I'm doing this: See Day 1.

Tweets and treats at @jenngidman.

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