Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 52: Warrior Question of the Day

Michael Phelps may be able to eat 12,000 calories a day, but something tells me I'm not at that athletic level yet to justify such gluttony.

So I'm trying to work out like a madwoman and transform into a lean, mean fighting machine come September 19. Yet the more I work out, the more ravenous I become. I know you need extra calories when you're exercising more, but by "extra calories," I don't think they mean multiple pints of ice cream, bags of potato chips, and insane amounts of cheese and crackers, all of which I've been craving. I never used to eat this crap in such quantities, but I feel like my engine is in overdrive and needs salt, fat, and sugar just to maintain.

Michael Phelps can get away with this, but I fear the same game plan isn't working for me.

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