Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 70: Boo-yah, Boudica!

One of my running friends who has been following my recent endeavors sent me a link to one of his favorite women warriors.

Allow me to introduce you to Boudica, the Celtic warrior queen. I was a little intimidated while reading Boudica's bio. What in the world could I, a chick from the suburbs, have in common with this valiant, voluptuous vanquisher?

According to the article, "She was tall, a redhead with hair that reached her hips, she had a powerful voice and a glow that seemed enchanting."

OK, so far so good: I'm tall (5'9" upon last measurement, though my brother continues to dispute me on this), a redhead (thank you, L'Oreal Feria, for the titian hues, and to my colorist for my stunning complementary blonde highlights), and a powerful voice (especially when I'm yelling at my children and/or husband). I can't speak to the enchanting glow, but I'm sure that will emerge sooner or later.

The supplementary Wikipedia article contends that Boudica was "possessed of greater intelligence than often belongs to women" (thanks -- I think) and that she had a "piercing glare" (reference once again situations where I am chastising members of my household).

"In the year 61 A.D. she started to collect soldiers who desired to follow her and slay the Romans. After a while she had an army of about 100,000 soldiers."

Men who desire to follow me in droves? That's what I'm talkin' about.

"Boudica had her men fight in the Celtic way: naked and painted."


"It is not known how Boudica died, but it is for sure that she didn’t make the end of the battle."


Tapping into my gallant Google skillz, I also found a few images of the legendary heroine. In some ways, we're sista soulmates; in others, not so much:

I don't have curls (or tats), but I have been known to drink out of a cornucopia. Or, at the very least, a funnel.

I do own a Lia Sophia brooch necklace like the one this gal is sporting. I do not, however, typically bear my cleavage in such revealing fashion.

I also owned an Olivia Newton-John–inspired headband like this one during the "Physical" era.

Um -- yeah. The little girl on the right does resemble my 4-year-old daughter. So that's something.

Yep -- this is how I get when someone eats all my rice pudding.


