Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 57: Week in Review

Gonna fly now (just not tonight -- it's been a long week).

Wednesday: 30 minutes, 2.5 miles
Broke last week's 30-minute record today! Slowly inching up on 3.3 miles in 30 minutes. Ran at 5.0 the whole way, save for the last minute, when I went to 5.5. I also didn't count my five-minute warmup walk in this. My goal, I suppose, if I'm to improve in the 30-minute category, is to up each half mile by 0.5 incrementally. I could also do this for the whole 3.3 miles if I'm going by total distance.

So that means next time I run, I'll run the second half-mile of Mile 1 at 0.5 more than I had been previously. The time after that, I'll add 0.5 to the second half of Mile 2. Then after that, 0.5 more speed to the second half of Mile 3 (and maintain that for the last 0.3 miles, cranking it up even more for the last minute). I can front-end it one day at a time onto the first half of each mile, so it would basically take me, hopefully, six training days to up my speed by 0.5 for the whole distance.

This means tomorrow when I run, I have to go at 5.5 for the second half of Mile 1. I can do that!

Does any of this make any sense to anyone other than myself?

Friday: 30 minutes, 2.5 miles
Did what I said above: Ran 5.0 the whole way, save for 5.5 for the 0.5 to 1.0 miles. Next time, I'll do the same, plus go to 5.5 for 1.5-2.0. Plus ran the last minute at 5.5. Nice!

Saturday: 30 minutes, 2.0 miles
Was feeling insanely tired from cleaning out my son's room. If you have children, you know what physical and mental energy this entails, especially if said child is wandering in and out of the room giving annoyingly specific input about what you're allowed to discard and what you're not. It's usually not in sync with your own thoughts on the matter. This led to me walking for the first five minutes, then alternating walking (3.5)/running (6.0) in one-minute increments for 20 minutes, before finally walking the last five. I know, crapout, but I'm trying.

Sunday: 30 minutes, 1.2 miles
Sigh. There's a reason for this performance. Here we go: I spent most of today writing my final paper for class, and Mad Men is on in 51 minutes. I needed an easy day. Sue me.

For now, the record stands at 2.5 miles for 30 minutes, and 43:03 for the whole 3.3 miles. Getting there!

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