Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 65: Warrior Tip of the Day

What I did last night was almost as ill-advised as what these guys are doing.

Here's my helpful advice for this sunny Saturday as you're deciding whether to go on an amped-up long run, kick back with a nice cold one, or (like me last night) merge the two:

Do not attempt to run after happy hour. Especially when gin-and-tonics and monster potato chips are consumed in ample quantities.

Though I still did manage to eke out 2 miles and change.

That is all.


  1. Hey there! I happened upon your blog while cruisng the Warrior Dash facebook page and just had to say, AWESOME JOB. I've posted a link on my FB page and forwarded it to my 14 year old daughter, who is competing in her first endurance race, the USMC Mud Run, this September ( and who has designs on the May 2011 Warrior Dash.

    Man, I hate run-on sentences. :)

    Trust me, you're going to have a blast at Warrior Dash. I competed in the South East Dash last May and immediately afterwards signed up for the Mid-Atlantic and the 2011 SE. It's definitely challenging, but more fun than any other event I've ever ran in. You're gonna to love it!

    Keep training, keep blogging and keep kicking ass. We're rooting for ya!

  2. Thanks for the motivation and kind words!! I'm psyched to do it, it sounds like an awesome time. Good luck to your daughter in the Mud Run -- that looks fun, too!
