Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 64: Week in Review

My kids yammering away at me while I'm trying to run can be as distracting as Ric Ocasek as a fly.

I think I need a better plan. I tend to procrastinate because I'm always busy, then I do all my runs at the end of the week. I need to space them out better so I'm not going nuts on Saturday.

I'm also debating if I should continue to try to up my running speed by 0.1 every week till I can do the 3.3 in 30 minutes, or if I should consistently just run the 3.3 and slowly bring my time down. I think it should probably be the latter. I just have to run the damn thing -- any improvement week-on-week is a good thing.

Here we go!

Wednesday: 30 minutes, 2.3 (almost 2.4 miles)
First mile was a 5.0, then did 0.2 miles at 5.5, then walked at 4.0. Got effin' hot again and nauseated. I have to learn to modulate and control my body temp, or at least remember to turn the AC on beforehand. Then I cranked it up to 6.0 for the last seven minutes or so to equal last week's record.

Friday: 30 minutes, 2.2 miles
Ran after happy hour. Probably not a good idea. Oh well.

Saturday: 30 minutes. 1.8 miles
I walked most of the way tonight. I think I pulled a muscle in my lower back in Huntington tonight. Plus Sasha was yammering at me and I couldn't play any music because Jackson was playing the Wii. Then I stepped off the treadmill when it was starting up because I needed to adjust the fan; I thought I had pressed "Pause," apparently didn't, stepped back on what I thought was a stopped treadmill, and flew right off of it, just like you see in the movies. My kids thought it was funny. I'm glad they think I'm funny.

Sunday: 43:02 minutes, 3.3 miles
That's what I'm talking about. I know that seems like an awful time to pretty much Everyone Else on Earth, but I shaved about two minutes off of my time, which did include five minutes of warmup walking. Then the first mile was at 4.5, second and third miles at 5.0, and last 0.3 miles at 5.5. I'm just excited that I'm slowly improving. Tonight's inspirational running music: "You Might Think," by The Cars.

So as of now, my records to beat (depending on whether I'm running for only 30 minutes or doing the whole 3.3 miles) are:
--30 minutes, 2.3 miles
--3.3 miles, 43:02 minutes

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